This is a page from the Flash Renamer user manual.

What is ExifTool?

ExifTool by Phil Harvey is an advanced metadata utility that can read an enormous number of file formats, media properties and tag formats (see lists below).

Flash Renamer already contains support for many metadata formats, but if you miss something there is a good chance that ExifTool supports it, and you can use ExifTool together with Flash Renamer to get this data into Flash Renamer!

How to enable ExifTool

Before you can use ExifTool you need to "install" it:

How to use ExifTool

ExifTool implemented as a <tag> and can be used anywhere tags are allowed. Use it like this:

<ExifTool-TagName> - This will return the value of "TagName" (provided such a tag exists in the file of course)

<ExifTool-Group:TagName> - You can type a group name first to be more specific.

See the ExifTool documentation for more info on what is supported.


File Formats Supported by ExifTool

File TypeDescription
3FRHasselblad RAW (TIFF-based)
ACRAmerican College of Radiology ACR-NEMA (DICOM-like)
AFM, ACFM, AMFMAdobe [Composite/Multiple Master] Font Metrics
AI, AITAdobe Illustrator [Template] (PS or PDF)
AIFF, AIF, AIFCAudio Interchange File Format
APEMonkey's Audio
ARWSony Alpha RAW (TIFF-based)
ASFMicrosoft Advanced Systems Format
AVIAudio Video Interleaved (RIFF-based)
BMP, DIBWindows BitMaP / Device Independent Bitmap
BTF, TIFF, TIFBigTIFF (64-bit Tagged Image File Format)
COSCapture One Settings (XML-based)
CR2Canon RAW 2 (TIFF-based)
CRW, CIFFCanon RAW Camera Image File Format (CRW specification)
CS1Sinar CaptureShop 1-shot RAW (PSD-based)
DCM, DC3, DIC, DICMDICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DCPDNG Camera Profile (DNG-like)
DCRKodak Digital Camera RAW (TIFF-based)
DFONTMacintosh Data Fork Font
DIVXDivX media format (ASF-based)
DJVU, DJVDjVu image (AIFF-like)
DNGDigital Negative (TIFF-based)
DOC, DOTMicrosoft Word Document/Template (FPX-like)
DOCX, DOCMOffice Open XML Document [Macro-enabled]
DOTX, DOTMOffice Open XML Document Template [Macro-enabled]
DYLIBMac OS X Mach-O executable and library files
DVDigital Video
EIPCapture One Enhanced Image Package (ZIP-based)
EPS, EPSF, PS[Encapsulated] PostScript Format
ERFEpson RAW Format (TIFF-based)
EXE, DLLDOS/Windows executable and library files
EXIFExchangable Image File Format metadata (TIFF-based)
F4A, F4B, F4P, F4VAdobe Flash Player 9+ Audio/Video (Quicktime-based)
FLAMacromedia/Adobe Flash project (FPX-like)
FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec
FLVFlash Video
FPXFlashPix image
GIFCompuserve Graphics Interchange Format
GZ, GZIPGNU ZIP compressed archive
HDP, WDPWindows HD Photo / Media Photo (TIFF-based)
HTML, HTM, XHTML[Extensible] HyperText Markup Language
ICC, ICMInternational Color Consortium color profile
IIQPhase One Intelligent Image Quality RAW (TIFF-based)
IND, INDD, INDTAdobe InDesign Document/Template (XMP metadata only)
ITCiTunes Cover Flow artwork
JP2, JPXJPEG 2000 image
JPEG, JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group image (see table below)
K25Kodak DC25 RAW (TIFF-based)
KDCKodak Digital Camera RAW (TIFF-based)
KEY, KTHApple iWork '09 Keynote presentation/Theme
LNKMicrosoft Shell Link (Windows shortcut)
M2TS, MTS, M2TMPEG-2 Transport Stream (used for AVCHD video)
M4A, M4B, M4P, M4VMPEG-4 Audio/Video (Quicktime-based)
MEFMamiya (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
MIEMeta Information Encapsulation (MIE specification)
MIFF, MIFMagick Image File Format
MKA, MKV, MKSMatroska Audio/Video/Subtitle
MOSCreo Leaf Mosaic (TIFF-based)
MOV, QTApple QuickTime Movie
MP3MPEG-1 layer 3 audio (uses ID3 information)
MP4Motion Picture Experts Group version 4 (Quicktime-based)
MPCMusepack Audio
MPEG, MPG, M2VMotion Picture Experts Group version 1 or 2
MPOExtended Multi-Picture format (JPEG with MPF extensions)
MQVSony Mobile QuickTime Video
MRWMinolta RAW
MXFMaterial Exchange Format
NEFNikon (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
NMBTEMPLATEApple iWork '09 Numbers Template
NRWNikon RAW (2) (TIFF-based)
NUMBERSApple iWork '09 Numbers spreadsheet
ODP, ODS, ODTOpen Document Presentation/Spreadsheet/Text (ZIP/XML-based)
OGGOgg Vorbis and Ogg FLAC audio
ORFOlympus RAW Format (TIFF-based)
OTFOpen Type Font
PAGESApple iWork '09 Pages document
PDFAdobe Portable Document Format
PEFPentax (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
PFA, PFBPostScript Font ASCII/Binary
PFMPrinter Font Metrics
PGFProgressive Graphics File
PICT, PCTApple Picture file
PMPSony DSC-F1 Cyber-Shot image
PNG, JNG, MNGPortable/JPEG/Multiple-image Network Graphics
PPM, PBM, PGMPortable Pixel/Bit/Gray Map
PPT, PPS, POTMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation/Slideshow/Template (FPX-like)
POTX, POTMOffice Open XML Presentation Template [Macro-enabled]
PPSX, PPSMOffice Open XML Presentation Slideshow [Macro-enabled]
PPTX, PPTMOffice Open XML Presentation [Macro-enabled]
PSD, PSBPhotoShop Drawing / Large Document
QTIF, QTI, QIFQuickTime Image File
RAReal Audio
RAFFujiFilm RAW Format
RAM, RPMReal Audio/Plug-in Metafile
RAWKyocera Contax N Digital RAW
RARRAR Archive
RAWPanasonic RAW (TIFF-based)
RIFF, RIFResource Interchange File Format
RM, RV, RMVBReal Media/Video [Variable Bitrate]
RSRCMac OS Resource
RTFRich Text Format
RW2Panasonic RAW 2 (TIFF-based)
RWLLeica RAW (TIFF-based)
RWZRawzor compressed image
SOUnix ELF executable and Shared Object files
SR2Sony RAW 2 (TIFF-based)
SRFSony RAW Format (TIFF-based)
SRWSamsung RAW format (TIFF-based)
SVGScalable Vector Graphics (XML-based)
SWFShockwave Flash
THMCanon Thumbnail (JPEG)
THMXOffice Open XML Theme
TIFF, TIFTagged Image File Format
TTF, TTCTrue Type Font/Collection
VOBVideo Object (MPEG-based)
VRDCanon DPP Recipe Data
WAVWindows digital audio WAVeform (RIFF-based)
WEBMGoogle Web Movie (MKV-based)
WEBPGoogle Web Picture (RIFF-based)
WMA, WMVWindows Media Audio/Video (ASF-based)
X3FSigma/Foveon RAW
XCFGIMP native image format
XLS, XLTMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet/Template (FPX-like)
XLSX, XLSM, XLSBOffice Open XML Spreadsheet [Macro-enabled/Binary]
XLTX, XLTMOffice Open XML Spreadsheet Template [Macro-enabled]
XMPExtensible Metadata Platform sidecar file
ZIPZIP archive

Tags Supported by ExifTool

AC3, AFCP, AIFF, APE, ASF, AVI1, Adobe, AdobeCM, CIFF, Canon, CanonCustom, CanonRaw, CanonVRD, Casio, Chapter#, Composite, DICOM, DNG, DV, DjVu, DjVu-Meta, Ducky, EPPIM, EXE, EXIF, ExifIFD, ExifTool, FLAC, File, Flash, FlashPix, Font, FotoStation, FujiFilm, GE, GIF, GIMP, GPS, GeoTiff, GlobParamIFD, GraphConv, H264, HP, HTML, HTML-dc, HTML-ncc, HTML-office, HTML-prod, HTML-vw96, HTTP-equiv, ICC-chrm, ICC-clrt, ICC-header, ICC-meas, ICC-meta, ICC-view, ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile#, ID3, ID3v1, ID3v1_Enh, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_4, IFD0, IFD1, IPTC, IPTC#, ITC, InteropIFD, JFIF, JPEG, JVC, Jpeg2000, KDC_IFD, Kodak, KodakBordersIFD, KodakEffectsIFD, KodakIFD, KyoceraRaw, LNK, Leaf, LeafSubIFD, Leica, M2TS, MAC, MIE-Audio, MIE-Camera, MIE-Canon, MIE-Doc, MIE-Extender, MIE-Flash, MIE-GPS, MIE-Geo, MIE-Image, MIE-Lens, MIE-Main, MIE-MakerNotes, MIE-Meta, MIE-Orient, MIE-Preview, MIE-Thumbnail, MIE-UTM, MIE-Unknown, MIE-Video, MIFF, MNG, MPC, MPEG, MPF0, MPImage, MXF, MakerNotes, MakerUnknown, Matroska, MetaIFD, Microsoft, Minolta, MinoltaRaw, NITF, Nikon, NikonCapture, NikonCustom, NikonScan, Olympus, PDF, PICT, PNG, PSP, Panasonic, Pentax, PhotoMechanic, Photoshop, PictureInfo, PostScript, PreviewIFD, PrintIM, ProfileIFD, QuickTime, RAF, RAF2, RIFF, RMETA, RSRC, RTF, Rawzor, Real, Real-CONT, Real-MDPR, Real-PROP, Real-RA3, Real-RA4, Real-RA5, Real-RJMD, Reconyx, Ricoh, SPIFF, SR2, SR2DataIFD, SR2SubIFD, SRF#, SVG, Samsung, Sanyo, Scalado, Sigma, SigmaRaw, Sony, SonyIDC, Stim, SubIFD, System, Track#, Version0, Vorbis, XML, XMP, XMP-DICOM, XMP-MP, XMP-MP1, XMP-PixelLive, XMP-acdsee, XMP-album, XMP-aux, XMP-cc, XMP-cell, XMP-crs, XMP-dc, XMP-dex, XMP-digiKam, XMP-exif, XMP-iptcCore, XMP-iptcExt, XMP-lr, XMP-mediapro, XMP-microsoft, XMP-mwg-coll, XMP-mwg-kw, XMP-mwg-rs, XMP-pdf, XMP-pdfx, XMP-photomech, XMP-photoshop, XMP-plus, XMP-prism, XMP-prl, XMP-pur, XMP-rdf, XMP-swf, XMP-tiff, XMP-x, XMP-xmp, XMP-xmpBJ, XMP-xmpDM, XMP-xmpMM, XMP-xmpNote, XMP-xmpPLUS, XMP-xmpRights, XMP-xmpTPg, ZIP