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Subject: Re: Flash renamer-idea/sugestion?

Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 18:26:40 +0200


I know that adding files to free select is a bit messy. I will think about making it better in future versions. Until then, you can use Windows Explorer's find function to get the files you want, and then drag them into Flash Renamer. You can also enable the "treeview" in Flash Renamer. When you right click on it you will get a menu item that allows you to send a folders content to free select!

// Dan

----- Original Message -----
From: wulffra
To: RL
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 11:49 AM
Subject: RE: Flash Renamer-idea/sugestion?

Hello Dan,

I'd like to submit the following idea/suggestion.

When choosing for 'Free Select', instead of 'Browser', it would be great to
'read' / 'import' files from directories.

e.g. in folder \temp\
there are following folders

each folder containing files.

Now, when going into 'Free Select', maybe an extra button cud be added:
read/import files.

clicking on that button wud offer user to
- select a number of directories (like within Explorer, or FR shd offer it's own interface, tagging directories)
- click on open / okay or whatever

then the files ín that directory are imported into free select (same as now is when selecting individual

Right now, a lot of clicks and selecting is necessary, when one wishes to do a lot of renaming
in different folders.
It is okay for 2-3 folders, but (like in my case) my digital photos are stored in folders named after creation
date. If I like to rename all those files to get a more uniform look it is quite a lot of work.

Or in the 'Browser' one may select a set of folders, rmb : now there is a 'send to freeselect'
in that case there might an extra option 'send files in to freeselect' next to 'send folders to freeselect'

What do you think??


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