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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: flash renamer bugs

Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 17:25:00 +0100


Your filenames have unicode characters in them. Flash Renamer does not support unicode because the programming language I use can not handle them. Unfortunately it's too late to change now, and I would have to rewrite the entire program to fix it...

Your first requst is nice. I'll think about adding it.

Your second request is quite easy to do using the batch replace function already. I'll see if I can include something like it in the future.

// Dan

----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah
To: *****@*****
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:55 AM
Subject: Flash Renamer bugs

I use Flash Renamer to rename my music files. Unfortunately it seems to have a lot of trouble processing some characters. It gives the "An error occured when reading the directory structure! (Path too long?)" message every time, and it's unable to rename them. I get this with any characters that show up as boxes. For example, "20 - ????? - THE ANIMETAL (????).mp3" would show with "boxes" in Windows yet show with question marks in Flash Renamer.

I also have two feature requests:

1) the ability to rename folders by the ID3 information inside the files contained in it if they all match

2) the ability to change all "non-standard" characters to their plain english alternatives. u with an umlaut to u, e with an accent to e, etc. I'm sure a lot of users are webmasters and these characters don't work in urls.
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