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Subject: Renamer 5.06 Desktop Shortcut Problem

Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 21:33:47 +0200


There is a bug in Windows Installer that causes this on some computers. You
can find more info here:


You can try to update windows installer, it might fix the problem...

Blame Microsoft for this. I'm not even using Windows Installer for my

// Dan

----- Original Message -----
From: ", Frank" <*****@*****>
To: <*****@*****>
Cc: <*****@*****>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 9:19 PM
Subject: Renamer 5.06 Desktop Shortcut Problem


First let me say that we had communicated once before; the subject being how
many files can Flash Renamer handle.

I am most thoroughly impressed with this program and have it registered. It
has saved me many, many hours of manually renaming my files.

I currently am experiencing the following problem which I believe has
nothing to do with any "bug" in Flash Renamer. Instead I believe it to have
resulting from upgrading my hard drive.

Here is the problem:

Each time I click on the desktop icon to bring up Flash Renamer, Roxio Easy
DVD/CD windows installer insists on trying to install Roxio Easy DVD/CD
(which I have also registered.)

You being the expert programmer that you are can perhaps take a moment and
advise me how I can correct this problem. It occurs whether I try to start
Flash Renamer from the desktop icon or the start program menu.

I am at work now and do not have my registration code.

My name is Frank X. , 28 Ranson St., Stamford, CT 06902.

Home phone: 203-324-9058
Home email: *****@*****

Work phone: 203-614-5108
Work email: *****@*****

I know that this request most likely goes beyond typical software support so
any help at all would be very much appreciated.

Frank X.

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