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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: REQUEST

Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 16:38:48 +0100


I am planning this for the next version actually. Until then, you can do like this: Select the format function and type "". Now you will get a column just like you want, using the "preview" column, and you can sort thereafter by clicking on the column header!

// Dan

Blachfords wrote:
> Hi, I am currently testing Flash Renamer 5.3 and would purchase this fantastic piece of software but I require to rename images sorted by DATE PICTURE TAKEN not date changed. Please advise if this can be done or if it will be done in a new version.
> This is a Windows Explorer function, example attached.
> Kind Regards
> Axel

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