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Subject: Re: Suggestion

Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 17:38:34 +0100

Ah, ok. I got it. No, that's not possible right now. :-(

But in the next version there will be a script function so it will be easy to create such special features yourself. If you are interested I could send you beta version once it's ready (in about a week).

// Dan

Raj wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> You have not got it clearly, What I want is MONTHS not day or date of creation.
> I want to be able to rename / append to a file name sequentially
> the name of MONTHS. Jan, Feb, Mar etc..
> Just sequential like numbers 1-12 and not from the file creation date etc.
> Hope its clear now. (please re read mail below once more)
> Cheers & have a great weekend.
> Raj
>> Hi,
>> Assuming that the created date of the files are correct, then you can use the add function with the format tag, for example:
>> Otherwise I don't know how you mean to get the date...
>> // Dan
>> Raj wrote:
>>> Till now I have not found Flash Renamer lacking in any feature.
>>> Today I had a need to append/rename a set of 12 files in a folder
>>> with month names (short and long) in a sequential order. I was sorting my
>>> PDF subscription filenames to be more meaning full and informative.
>>> magazine-123.ext
>>> magazine-124.ext
>>> magazine-125.ext
>>> magazine-123 Jan.ext
>>> magazine-124 Feb.ext
>>> magazine-125 Mar.ext
>>> and so on?
>>> I could not figure it out in the 5.3 version. If not available could you please add this facility some time.
>>> Cheers from one happy customer.
>> --
>> Raj, vu2zap
>> Bengaluru, South India.

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