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Subject: Re: New Beta

Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:17:42 +0100

Well, one of the big new features is the ID3 tag writer! It can do just what you are looking for. (You need to use the "format parts" to do that.)

The other thing can be done using a script (also a new feature), so I wrote one quickly that I think will do the job for you. Put it in the script folder, typically "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RL Vision\Flash Renamer\Script"

// Dan

Raj wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I see some new options, runs fine on my system. Asus P5RD system with XP-SP2 up to date.
> I use the following features the most:
> Replace
> Add / Remove
> MP3
> Case (rarely)
> This MP3 rename utility has feature that you could add
> http://www.mp3tag.de/en/
> You can write the ID3 tag generated from the file name. Like
> %track% - %artist% - %title% ... A very useful feature.
> I am a big music buff, I have 1000's of vinyls, cassettes, CDs
> and DVDs collected from my childhood and even those of my
> dad and grand dad!
> I do download a bit of the stuff that I have on other formats
> as I feel that I have already paid the royalty to listen to the
> music when I bought the LP or cassette in the past. This
> saves me conversion time. I am not sure if you agree, I did
> blog about it and some musicians agreed with me!
> I use your Flash Renamer to clean up the file name and tags.
> The other use is that I have PDF online subscription to mags
> like HomePower(.com) etc. These and other chaps just call
> their issues by number which does not mention the month
> or year. Looking at a folder full of "issue ###" is not informative
> so I need to rename then sequentially Jan...Dec .
> The same problem with American Radio relay league (ARRL)
> PDF files.
> Cleaning up MP3 files is one big use.
> Cleaning up PDF file name is another major use for everyone.
> Cheers
> Raj
>> Hi Raj,
>> As promised, here is a beta version of Flash Renamer 6.0!
>> http://www.rlvision.com/files/FlashRenamer60Beta_Setup.exe
>> I hope you like it. It should be stable enough to replace your old version. If you find anything strange or have a comment on the new (or old) features let me know!
>> // Dan
>> Raj wrote:
>>> Sure Dan,
>>> Will look forward to testing it.
>>> Raj
>>> This is my blog:
>>> http://360.yahoo.com/vu2zap
>>>> Ah, ok. I got it. No, that's not possible right now. :-(
>>>> But in the next version there will be a script function so it will be easy to create such special features yourself. If you are interested I could send you beta version once it's ready (in about a week).
>>>> // Dan
>>>> Raj wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>> You have not got it clearly, What I want is MONTHS not day or date of creation.
>>>>> I want to be able to rename / append to a file name sequentially
>>>>> the name of MONTHS. Jan, Feb, Mar etc..
>>>>> Just sequential like numbers 1-12 and not from the file creation date etc.
>>>>> Hope its clear now. (please re read mail below once more)
>>>>> Cheers & have a great weekend.
>>>>> Raj
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Assuming that the created date of the files are correct, then you can use the add function with the format tag, for example:
>>>>>> Otherwise I don't know how you mean to get the date...
>>>>>> // Dan
>>>>>> Raj wrote:
>>>>>>> Till now I have not found Flash Renamer lacking in any feature.
>>>>>>> Today I had a need to append/rename a set of 12 files in a folder
>>>>>>> with month names (short and long) in a sequential order. I was sorting my
>>>>>>> PDF subscription filenames to be more meaning full and informative.
>>>>>>> magazine-123.ext
>>>>>>> magazine-124.ext
>>>>>>> magazine-125.ext
>>>>>>> magazine-123 Jan.ext
>>>>>>> magazine-124 Feb.ext
>>>>>>> magazine-125 Mar.ext
>>>>>>> and so on?
>>>>>>> I could not figure it out in the 5.3 version. If not available could you please add this facility some time.
>>>>>>> Cheers from one happy customer.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Raj, vu2zap
>>>>>> Bengaluru, South India.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Raj, vu2zap
>>>>> Bengaluru, South India.
>>>> --
>>>> Raj, vu2zap
>>>> Bengaluru, South India.

description=Adds a month name in sequential order to the end of the filename.

'- Global variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dim n

'- Init function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function Init()

n = 1

End Function

'- Rename function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function Rename()

m = ""
select case n
case 1:
m = "January"
case 2:
m = "February"
case 3:
m = "March"
case 4:
m = "April"
case 5:
m = "May"
case 6:
m = "June"
case 7:
m = "July"
case 8:
m = "August"
case 9:
m = "September"
case 10:
m = "October"
case 11:
m = "November"
case 12:
m = "December"
End Select

Rename = FlashRenamer.FileName & " " & m

n = n + 1
if n > 12 then n = 1

End Function

Sequential Months.frs

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