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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Exif Tag Remover

Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 20:22:13 +0100


I will keep your suggestions in mind the next time I make an update!

// Dan

PS: I just released a new version of my super utility Flash Renamer. Check it out: http://www.rlvision.com/flashren/about.asp

> Dear rl vision!
> I am using Exif Tag Remover a lot and I find it very very useful.
> I have only a few simple ideas to make it better.
> - The first is to add a checkbox at the options/ "Metadata tags to remove"
> that does not remove the orientation info of the image in the EXIF.
> The problem is that when I remove EXIF info from my pictures
> it also removes the photo orientation data and all the pictures are
> then landscape.
> That is the biggest minus for me.
> - The second is that we could add simply with drag&drop from explorer
> directly into
> the "Choose Jpeg Files" window.
> -The last is that in the options if we check "Save as new files in this folder:"
> the folder that is opened by default is the same folder from which the photos
> to remove EXIF were taken.
> That's it.
> I hope that you will find my idea useful and simple to implement.
> Regards,
> Bastyani

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