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Subject: Re: FlashRenamer 6.01 - new feature ?

Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2008 19:54:38 +0200


I have thought about this many times. I agree that it would be a nice feature to have. Perhaps I can add it in the next update. It depends on how difficult it is to "extract" the date from the filenames.

// Dan

wulffra wrote:
> Van: wulffra [mailto:*****@*****]
> Verzonden: zondag 6 april 2008 09:56
> Aan: 'RL Vision'
> Onderwerp: FlashRenamer 6.01 - new feature ?
> Hi Dan,
> Hope you are fine.
> Question and/or maybe a feature.
> Imagine you have a fileNAME that contains a date (and maybe even a time)
> and you wud wish to set the modified date to the date that is mentioned in the filename ...
> How wud you do that ?
> I have a lot of files (small .txt-files, which are in fact converted to text files of Eudora-mail messages)
> having the following name:
> example
> 20080319-1608 flwd by headername.txt
> however, the filedate/modified date is all set to the date of conversion.
> i want the filedate/time changed to (e.g. 08-01-2003 11:27) dd-mm-yyyy format.
> so:
> 20030108-1127 RE Nieuwe snelheid.txt -> filedate to read: 08-01-2003 11:27
> 20030109-2038 Re Hallo luitjes.txt -> filedate to read: 09-01-2003 20:39
> 20030113-0529 RE FinePrint.txt etc.
> 20030113-0919 RE VPRO-Gids.txt
> 20030120-1418 RE Campagne.txt
> now, apart of the above, maybe this is a handy new feature...?
> at the office quite some people, when creating files, they add the date to the file.
> whereas i thought it was a bit of habit just within our office, i have come to discover that
> 'outside' our office more and more people are doing this. just to know when files were
> originally created and/or when copies are made the new copy to have a newer date, etc.
> with this i mean to say that working with dates IN the filenames may at point in time
> be something FR shd also cover.
> Admittedly the format can be everything from ddmmyyy to yyyy-mm-dd etc.
> and the date/time may be at any place in the filename, at te beginning or at the
> end.
> (our dept at the office add initials to files, e.g. in my case "filename blabla-060408wu.doc")
> this can be a bit more complicated and maybe, if you were to add such a feature, you
> may consider to add a few formats or let the user 'tag' / select - drop down selection -
> in what format the date is mentioned _anywhere_ in the filename.
> ddmmyy,ddmmyyyy, yymmdd, yyyymmdd, with/without . - / separator
> obviously FR cannot handle two dates in a filename... like:
> this is my dd-mm-yyyy version of file yymmdd.doc
> Anyway, this is all if at all you may consider the idea.
> Right now, _my_ question is whether redating my files is possible...
> brgds/Marcel.

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