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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Flash renamer malfunction

Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 18:30:02 +0200


Your serial will work for all version, including new ones. I would advice you to upgrade! First uninstall the current version and make sure that you answer yes to remove your current settings. Then install the new one. Hopefully this will help. If not, please send me a screenshot showing the problem and I will have a look at it!

// Dan

Richard , PE wrote:
> Let me start by saying that I’m a registered user and I think that your product is super. That said, I’m having trouble.
> This is probably an operator error but when trying to rename files now, the program suddenly isn’t recognizing the first character in the existing file name, so it’s not renaming the files I’m selecting. It’s actually doing nothing that I can tell. If I put in an asterisk in the search field, it finds all of the files when I select them, but it retains the first character of the original file name in the end product.
> I’m pretty sure that if I simply reloaded the program, whatever setting I messed with would correct itself, or if there’s something corrupt, that, too would resolve the problem. However, will my old registration codes still work? This is the same machine that it was installed on originally.
> Thanks much!
> Rick
> Dingmans Ferry, PA
> (registration code TPSPKZHLVP)

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