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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Flash Renamer 6.1

Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 18:13:14 +0200


You'd have to edit the settings ini-files to restore it. It's not that hard, but it's easier to just attach the image to this letter :-)

// Dan

Paul wrote:
> I love the latest version of Flash Renamer (only just having gotten around to trying after using v5.3 for a considerable time) but I have one simple query:
> How do I restore the startup simple user guide that appeared over the FL main window when I first ran v6.1? I'm OK with using the software but others household users of the PC are not and would appreciate the basic info. that this screen gives on startup.
> Regards,
> Paul


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