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Subject: Re: FlashRenamer 6.1-Sort suggestion

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 19:21:56 +0100

Since you had a lot of files it is probably this that is causing the problem. There is a limit to the amount of thumbnails you can have. The limit is memory based, so smaller thumbnails means you can have more. I can't do much about this since the limitation lies in the listview controller I'm using, and there is no good substitute. This sucks, I know...

// Dan

wulffra wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Either I am not sure whether thumbnail is working properly all the time.
> When I switch from details to thumbnails only part of the folder contents is shown as thumbnails.
> I clicked on details and back to thumbnails a few time.
> Closed FR and launched it again.
> Again switching between details/thumbnails - same problem.
> Now, pls also note that I had a few thumbnails shown, but I did nót scroll all the way down to see whether ALL thumbnails are shown.
> But the thumbnails I had in front of me, they were too small, tfore I went into settings and changed from Medium to Large.
> f5 refresh and then most thumbnails were gone.
> I have gone into settings again and changed to medium, small, back and from, details view, thumbnails view, closed FR, relaunched it...
> Could not get it right again ...
> Weird.
> Maybe it has problem with the large number of files (in thumbnail view), as the folder I was in contained 600+ .jpg's
> (See attachments)
> brgds/Marcel.
> Van: RL Vision [mailto:*****@*****]
> Verzonden: zondag 28 december 2008 17:23
> Aan: wulffra
> Onderwerp: Re: FlashRenamer 6.1-Sort suggestion
> Hi,
> Everything is fine, thank you. I hope you are fine too.
> The sorting of the thumbnails is mirrored to the sorting of the details view (because it is the same control).
> Or should be. Now that I try it it seems to have trouble updating correctly more than once. I'll have a look at it. As always :-)
> // Dan
> wulffra wrote:
>> Hi Dan
>> First of all: long time no talk - hope you are fine!
>> Pls cud you check out the sorting when selecting thumbnail-view?
>> I have a lot of similar names (all 'SnagIt'- screencaptures).
>> In details view they can be sorted on date.
>> But when changing to thumbnails, this sort order is left and (in my case at least) sorting as per filename.
>> There is no sorting feature at all there.
>> I know, I can click on the headers of the columns, but they are not available in thumbnail view.
>> Maybe add some kind of sorting feature there as well ??
>> Like the below.
>> A mix of thumbnails and details is even more nice, but that might things a bit too complicated... I guess, like this:
>> best regards,
>> Marcel.

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