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Subject: Re: renamer

Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 18:47:34 +0100


You do like this: Click "Advanced" and then select "Free Format". Now press the "link" "setup parts". Here type "<%1> - <%2>" and then close the window. Finally, in Free Select, enter "<%2> - <%1>".

hope it works!

// Dan

*****@***** wrote:
> Just downloaded to see if I'll be able to use the renamer. Have a question concerning a particular problem:
> How can I rename a file inverting the first part (Jailhouse Rock) with the second part (Elvis Presley) so it would be as follows:
> old filename: Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley.mp3
> new filename: Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock.mp3
> I must have the seperator ( - ) in the filename as shown above. Hope it was clear enough.. Raul

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