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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Cleaning up file names too long

Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2009 11:14:19 +0100


Here is a tip: You can figure out how long your filenames are by using the Remove function. Set the function to remove 999 chars at pos NN from The beginning of the filename, where NN is the number of letters you have set as maximum. Make sure that both "process filename" and "process extension" are enabled. Now look at the preview column. Any file being listed there is longer than NN!

// Dan

Manfred wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I know someone here with a XP my documents directory full of file names too long, which cannot be copied over the network. There must be thousands of them.
> I saw that Flash Renamer can remove excessive length. However I found that I need to navigate myself through all subdirectories and regard all display pages to find concerned files.
> How about an option for something like a compressed view showing all files concerned in all subfolders?
> Greetings, Manfred

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