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Subject: Re: Renaming a song with Flash Renamer

Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:57:49 +0100

Yes, of course!

There are two ways. The easiest is to simply use the music renaming function. This requires the id3 tags inside the music files to be correctly tagged. The default settings of the music renaming function is configured just like you want it!

The other way involves switching places of the parts in the filename:

1. Click "setup parts" and enter this: "<%1> - <%2>"
2. Use the "free format" function, and enter this: "<%2> - <%1>"

Good luck!

// Dan

Stan wrote:
> I have a lot of songs that are labeled like this: Forever In Bluejeans - Neil Diamond.mp3
> I want to rename them all like this: Neil Diamond - Forever In Bluejeans.mp3
> Can Flash Renamer rename a song like the above? If so, I plan to buy it. Thanks.
> Stan
> 3015 Oak Pointe Dr.
> Pensacola, FL 32505
> 850-857-0174

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