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Subject: Re: Visual Assist dialog box is an annoyance!

Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 10:49:39 +0100


Mike wrote:
> This newest release has been very good, but it still doesn’t support tweaking Apples MP4 video definitions for setting the video type, like music video, or TV show, etc. Maybe someday with you run out of other things to do. Oh, you also need to add Music Video and Ragtime to the Genre list. Oops. Talk about two extremes in styles.

New in this version is that you can type in genres yourself!

The genre list is bad, I know, but it comes from the ID3v1 specifications so I can't change it. In v2 the genres are "free".

> It took me quite a while to actually find where Flash Renamer actually stores its profile stuff on a 64-bit WS2008 server. Not exactly where I was pointed to, but now I have my exceptions working great. BTW: since PowerShell has a strong Regular Expression support, I have started using RegEx commands to find specific strings. Only problem is that I haven’t figured out how to change just the specific RegEx portion and leave everything on both sides, but I haven’t put much time into solving that one. But, now, I have a have an old annoyance that frustrated me tonight, and so it is now my new favorite annoyance.
> When trying to select a section of a string, say “Management Services,” somewhere in the middle of a l o n g string, such as: “Deploying Active Directory Rights Management Services with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Step-By-Step Guide”, the Visual Assist dialog box is of little use. (Hey, don’t blame me for a two foot long file name. This is a white-paper downloaded from Microsoft, but I still have to deal with it.)
> Back in the days when I had to walk 15 miles to school; which was also uphill both way; in year around deep snow; and with no socks; and we were all running PIII and P4 processors; the Visual Assist dialog box wasn’t that big of a deal. Everything ran slow enough that you could actually highlight a section, and not have it run away with you. (Hey, you just admitted that Flash Renamer is a decade old.) Today, we are running 2.4 GHz to 3 GHz Core Duo2’s or Quads, which makes the process of trying to highlight something a frustrating experience. (Never thought I would be whining about my computers running too blasted fast!) So, by the time the line of text in the Visual Assist has scrolled three or four pixels, it has accelerated to the speed of light and has already at slammed into the other end. Oh, and this is all compounded when dealing with a postage stamp size window.
> Even in a display that is running 1024x768, that dialog box is still small, but in a 1680x1050 or 1920x1200, it is ridiculously small. As I have mentioned before, I’ve been a Software Engineer for over 25 years, and I get frustrated when the user gets a postage stamp sized, fixed window, and we are required to perform some task. I’ve had this problem with this window before, but tonight, I guess I’m not in the best of moods.
> Since this is a relatively simple window, why not consider allowing it to be resized at runtime. This would provide us the ability to resize the window on an as needed basis? With that, I would need to find something else to whine about. It’s taken almost a year for me to bring this one up.
Yes, you are right. I should have done that a long time ago.

Every user has his/her own ways of working. For me this has never been a problem. I'm glad that you told me (even if it means more work for me :-) )

> Sorry about the long email just to say the last line.
> Now that I have cured my insomnia, I think I will get to bed.
> Uh, how about modifying the contacts page so we can highlight your email address and copy it??

No. This is the best way to keep away spam I have found so far. Two years ago I got 100 spam per days. Then I changed my emails. I don't want to go back to that again...

> Thanks for making a good product, and keeping it good. If it wasn’t, I’d send more emails
> Later.
> Mike L.


// Dan

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