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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Bug

Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 12:10:23 +0200

Akram wrote:
> Dear Dan
> Here is what I tried with the Shell Extension:
> 1) I tried “Do nothing” and got nothing when I right clicked.
> 2) I tried “Show ‘Start Flash Renamer” and I got the same on the right click. But when I selected the entry on a folder, this is what I got:
Sound right. The menu item will only show on folders.
> Funny enough, when I wipe out the *.* on the extreme right and press enter, the files show.
I can't explain this. *.* should display all files.
> 3) I tried the third option and got the same behavior as in (2)
When right clicking on a folder, you will get the same result. But if you right click on one or more files, then you should get a full menu.
> One more thing: I have a little application that I started using recently (but after I got the behavior from FR). IT is called Shell Extension Viewer. I looked into it to see if maybe FR was disabled. FR was not listed at all: neither enabled nor disabled. Is it under any other name?
It's called Flash Renamer Helper Menu Handler.

> Thanks for your help
> Akram
> Beirut: +9613-206805
> From: Dan
> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 19:28
> To: *****@*****
> Subject: Re: Bug
> Hi,
> 1) based on your information it is impossible for me to know what could be causing this. If you would be able to figure out how to reproduce the crash, and send me this info (screenshots are helpful too) (also include the files that are causing it if needed) then it would help me a lot and I promise that I will have a look at it and try to fix it.
> 2) You are talking about the "shell integration" which you can find on the first page in the settings. Try both options here. If the third option ("menu") does not work, then the middle options should work since it is the same as previous versions. You must start FR as an admin to modify these settings.
> // Dan
> Akram wrote:
> Dear Sirs
> I am enjoying Flash Renamertremendously: its diverse features, its ease of use and its speed.
> I have two issues I hope you can help me with:
> 1) On several occasions, when I rename a file which is in the FR right pane, FR crashes and exists. I do not get any specific information to send you.
> 2) In an earlier version, I used to be able to right click on a folder and start FR. FR would automatically show me the files within that folder.
> Now, no matter what related settings I set, I do not get the files unless I navigate to them OR I drag and drop them.
> BTW: my brother has the same version (6.2) and he can see the files. I copied his settings one by one and had a mirror image of them all. Still, no files.
> Can you help?
> Thanks a lot
> Akram
> Beirut: +9613-206805

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