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Subject: Re: Flash Renamer 6.2

Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:10:37 +0200

Glad to hear that you solved the problem eventually. Vista is a pain in the behind. I've tried to make sure that it works, but it always seems like Vista manages to create new problems..

RegExps are really cool once you learn how to use them. They look harder that it really is. Just take it easy and make them step by step. Presets are not very difficult, it's just common rename functions grouped together.

// Dan

Richard wrote:
> Dan,
> Thanks for the info, but I’m emassed. I recognize the paragraph below even though I didn’t find it the day I reported my problem. I’ll try to do better next time.
> In order to fix the problem, I uninstalled Flash Renamer and completely removed all traces of it. I turned off UAC, rebooted, logged in as Administrator, reinstalled and then saw the link to register.
> Normally, I am logged with a user account having admin privileges and running UAC. So technically, I don’t log in as Administrator. Neither do I log in as a standard user. I think this in between state of being Administrator and a standard user allowed be to change settings, but not register.
> Soon, I hope to learn some of the functions that are advanced for me, such as regular expressions and presets. I’ve been making great use of the case convert exceptions, something I’ve never seen in another product.
> During the past decade I’ve used Better Flash Renamer and Flash Renamerr and tried Turbo Flash Renamerr (demo period). Flash Renamer is far superior. Obviously, you have given thought and had experience with many renaming situations.
> Have a nice weekend.
> - Richard.
> From: Dan
> Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 5:53 AM
> To: Richard
> Subject: Re: Flash Renamer 6.2
> At the moment the pattern box can not be made larger. I might make it larger in future versions.
> Because you are using Vista, the settings are stored in another folder. From the manual:
> Windows Vista is a bit different. Because the setup program copies the settings to the common appdata folder, the files will inherit setups admin privelidges, so only a real admin (ie with UAC turned off) will be able to modify them. Vista has a solution called Virtualizing that will automatically make copies of the files to a VistualStore folder (typically %userprofile%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\RL Vision\Flash Renamer\). This means that all users will have unique settings. If you don't like this, you can change the read/write privileges on the original files (typically stored in C:\ProgramData\RL Vision\Flash Renamer\) and give standard users write privelidges.
> I'm a bit puzzled since you say that settings are being saved, yet you still have not been able to register. This problem typically occurs when settings are not saved.
> Do you see the "shareware window" at startup?
> My recommendation would be to try and remove all settings.bin to reset the settings and try again.
> // Dan
> Richard wrote:
> Sorry, I forgot the attachment.
> From: Richard
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:54 PM
> To: Dan
> Subject: RE: Flash Renamer 6.2
> Hello Dan,
> Is there a way to make the pattern box larger? Mine is very small, making it hard to read the patterns.
> I still have not been able to register. I have not been able to find a path similar to this: c:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\RL Vision\Flash Renamer\.
> The only Flash Renamer path I can find is: C:\Program Files\Flash Renamer.
> The settings are being saved, but I cannot find settings.bin, even after showing all hidden and system files. I looked in my local, locallow and roaming profile paths to no avail.
> I run Vista Ultimate SP2.

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