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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Flash Renamer

Date: Sun, 04 Oct 2009 19:21:45 +0200


Thank you for letting me know these things. I will fix the second one later today!

About the first one: How can a file be missing the last modified date? I though that these where always present? Even a newly created file should get the created date as modified date. It does on my win2k machine at least. How do I get such a file? I need to recreate the situation here on my computer...

// Dan

Aref wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been a registered user of Flash Renamer since couple of years now.
> I just recently started using it on Windows Server 2008, and noticed an issue.
> If a directory has a group of 10 files, of which there is a subset of files ( could be any number of files ) missing 'file modified' dates -- and the 'last modified' option is checked in the interface menu to view as a colum -- then that entire directory content shows up as blank because Flash Renamer doesn't render any of the file listings in the directory. Once the interface has the file modified turned off, the file listings show up again. Can you fix this issue?
> Also .. another issue is if Flash Renamer starts and is by default not open on a directory, and you change any settings, the settings can't be saved without getting a runtime error 35600 ( when it tries to render the file listing with the newly applied interface settings ) .. and then the program just closes.
> Thanks.
> - Aref

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