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Subject: Re: PDF Image Extraction Wizard

Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 22:22:47 +0100


I have though about it and actually started some basic on, but it was not as easy as I would hope, since there are a lot of issues that would not work with the current design. Currently I don't have any plans for when it will be ready.


// Dan

David wrote:
> Rlvision,
> I have tried the above software and would really find it quite useful for the project I’m currently working on. However, I have to extract images from multiple PDF files (over 100) and to do them one at a time would be onerous.
> Would it be possible for you to create a version of your software where you specify a directory containing multiple PDF’s (instead of specifying individual pdf’s) and the image(s) from each pdf are extracted?
> Regards,
> David A

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