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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Setting problem

Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:56:26 +0100


In Vista and 7 you do not have administrative privileges even though your user account is set to administrator(!). To run an application as true admin, right click on the application icon and select "run as admin". I hope this helps!

// Dan

Jonny wrote:
> To whom it may concern;
> I have been using the Flash Renamer in XP for several years and it is a great app. I have recently migrated to Windows 7 Ultimate and I have a encountered a bug. I was trying to activate the context menus throught the "General Tab" on the "Setting" menu. The problem is that all three buttons are greyed out and there is a message that reads: "You must run Flash Renamer as an Administrator in order to modify the shell intergration settings." I am the administrator and I have uninstalled the app several times hoping that would clear up the issue but it hasn't. I also have tried the "Restore default settings" options. How do you suggest I proceed?
> Thanks
> Greg

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