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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: FR 6.4

Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 15:33:11 +0100


Guess what - here is the release candidate I promised! It is very close to the final version:


A list of new things in 6.4:

* Added Pre-Processor!
* Added Include Filter!
* Added "Keep / Replace Filename" for Add Counter function
* Added preset option to overide global options
* New script included: Rotate Around
* Several optimizations for large filesets
* Some interface layout & visual enhancements
* Many smaller changes to fix quirks and increase usability
* Some other enhancements suggested by users (thank you!)
* 10+ bugfixes

Does not look like mch, but under the hood many things have happened and have been fixed (as you already know). You told me that FR had frozen after renaming lots of files. This problem is hopefully gone now, since I found a way to optimize the routines!

// Dan

wulffra wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> just to say everything goes fine with the 'beta' of FR 6.4
> It is pretty fast.
> Did you change anything ?
> Take it final 6.4 will be out soon.
> take care..
> brgds/Marcel.

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