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Subject: Re: info.

Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:25:02 +0200

Hi again,

Thank you for the sample image. I had a look at it, and unfortunately some of the tags in this image are located in the tiff-tags, not the exif-tags. At the moment my program does not support tiff tags, although I hope to implement it in the future.

// Dan

> Hello!
> Possiedo un PC con Windows XP.
> E' possibile togliere l'informazione (Modello fotocamera:....) nell'icona Tiff e
> (Marca apparecchiatura,Modello fotocamera, Software di creazione) nelle Proprietà/Riepilogo/Avanzate, con il vostro software Exif Tag Remover?
> I have a PC with Windows XP.
> It's possible to remove the information (Camera model :....) in the icon Tiff and to remove
> (Brand apparecchiatura, Modello camera, Software creation) in the Properties / Summary / Advanced with your Exif Tag Remover software?
> Fratelli
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dan
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 5:29 PM
> Subject: Re: info.
> Hello,
> I'm afraid I do not fully understand what you want to do. Please explain in more detail, and write in English (even if you are not good at it, it can be better that automatic translations.)
> You are welcome to send me a sample photo for me to try on. You can also send me screenshots showing me what you want to remove.
> // Dan
>> *****@*****
>> Objet: Exif Tag Remover
>> Io sono un professionista fotografo e ho acquistato il vostro programma Exif Tag Remove.
>> Desidero consegnare le mie immagini in Tiff escludendo Modello di Macchina fotografica, data dall'icona e da riepilogo proprietà avanzate. Ho provato, non funziona, mentre da info Canon Digital Photo, funziona.
>> Attendo notizie.
>> Grazie!
>> I am a professional photographer and I purchased your program Exif Tag Remove.
>> I wish to give my images in Tiff excluding Camera Model, and drop the icon on the advanced properties. I tried, not working, and Canon Digital Photo by info, it works.
>> I await news.
>> Thanks!
>> Fratelli

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