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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Please, could you explain about Flash Renamer?

Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 21:24:13 +0200


That's a very strange problem. I've been working on Flash Renamer for 11 years, and no one has reported it to delete files. I wonder what could be causing it?

FR contains only one place where it actually deletes files, and that is if you press the Delete key on the keyboard (just like Windows Explorer). This is handled by the "shell", meaning that you will find deleted files in the trashcan. (Plus you need to answer yes first).

Are you doing something special when it happens? If it's a specific function in FR you are using, tell me which.

Can you see a pattern? Is it a specific type of files?

Is it files that are displayed in Flash Renamer, or random files on the hard drive?

Do you think you could send me a screenshot before and after this is happening?

Any info you can give to help me solve this would be appreciated.

// Dan

Célio wrote:
> I’m willing to buy a software in order to rename my files.
> I have tested several of them and I guess that Flash Renamer is the best. The very best!
> I’m running a demo version 6.41.
> Sometimes when I’m renaming a file and – for example – in the same folder I’m listening a music with windows media player or even in others operations at the same folder and time, and Flash Renamer is open and runing, suddenly a file is deleted and I lost it!!!
> Have you experience3d this? Any directory where Flash Renamer delete the file? Can I get the file back? I tried to find the files “deleted by flas renamer”in the recycle bin but they there is not in this windows system place…
> Thanks in advance for your answer.
> Congratulations and your work is very good.
> I’m from Brasil.
> Celio

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