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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: After years of use, I finally found something that doesn't exist in Flash Renamer. Something I REALLY need every day ;) .....

Date: Sun, 05 Sep 2010 19:56:07 +0200


What you are looking for is the and tags! Use in for example the "free format" function like this:

The "S" version includes files in subfolders as well.

(It does not add zeros, but you can use the "zero padding" or "re-number" functions to do that!)

// Dan

mathias wrote:
> For more than three years that I use your software and take advantage of improvements that you bring it constantly, I am fascinated by the completeness of Flash Renamer. You have been able to find everything that was possible and imaginable to do.
> But for months that I perform repetitive tasks, I am only thinking right now about one thing missing in Flash Renamer that would considerably help me and could save me hundreds of hours of work.
> Basically I'm often working for my work on thousands of directories and have to add by hand to the name of the directory a number corresponding to the number of files it contains.
> And I am just thinking that this option does not exist in Flash Renamer. And a quick google search leads me to believe that nobody has ever made anything like that. Would you have time and patience if you please to add an option that analyzes the properties of hundreds of directories looking for the number of files they contain. And automatically add to the folder name a at the end and the number of files that are inside (specifying whether we want this number with 1, 2, 3 digits, etc. Example : 001 for directories with 1 file and 156 for directories with 156 files)
> If you could develop it, your software would really be complete now ;). And you would save my life ^ ^ Because doing this by hand all day long is a nightmare !
> Thank you in advance for the help that you may be able to bring me and perhaps other users
> Awaiting your reply, please accept, Sir, the assurances of my sincere greetings and thanks for the tremendous work you have done in developing this software
> Mathias aka Hokaneko
> http://m.free.fr
> PS: sorry for my English approximations, it is not my mother tongue. And google translator, amazing tool, still rough sometimes.
> @+
> Dictionnaire - Afficher le dictionnaire
> --
> Cordialement, Mathias
> http://neko-graphic.com
> *****@*****

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