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Subject: Re: flash renamer question

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2010 15:01:23 +0100

Ok, so I had a look at it, and it appears that there is no ability to control "silent" options from the installer itself, so you need to use the command line.

I tried it myself, and had no problem running the silent mode of the installer. These three worked fine for me, running from a command promt:

FlashRenamer64_Setup.exe /SILENT

FlashRenamer64_Setup.exe /SP /SILENT

FlashRenamer64_Setup.exe /SP /VERYSILENT

What happens when you try this?

// Dan

steve wrote:
> hey after playing with the program and inno today which i have played used personally i can;t get the silent install to invoke for some weird reason could you build me a silent install version of Flash Renamer
> thank you
> --
> Steve
> Special Child Exchange Executive Director
> Http://www.specialchildexchange.org
> 425.341.1500
> 425.622.0114
> Christians Positive Alternative

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