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Subject: Re: Problem

Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:52:40 +0100

Subject: Re: Problem
From: Dan
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:52:40 +0100
To: Pj

What a strange problem. But I'm glad to hear that you managed to fix it!

// Dan

Pj wrote:
> I fixed the problem!
> Im missing the RL Vision folder key, but this was not the cause of the crash.
> There was a problem with the dll and ocx files.
> I tried unregistering then registering the dll and ocx files that came with your setup file, but that still didn’t help me.
> Then I found a thread on malwarebytes forum, there was a pinned topic about this error. Anyways people had the same problem with malwarebytes program and the fix was to install vbrun60sp6.exe from Microsoft.
> I installed the exe file and ran it, but unfortunately it still didn’t work.
> Then I used uniextract software and extracted all of the files from vbrun60sp6.exe. I noticed I was missing a couple files and double clicking vbrun wouldn’t fully extract these files to my system32 folder.
> So after I manually extracted the files using uniextract, I manually unregistered the dlls and ocx files then copy and pasted the dlls ocx files to my system32, then reregistered the files. And for good measure, I right clicked on the vbrun60.inf and choose install. I restarted my computer and bam flashrenamer started working. And not only that I got several other programs fixed from the same problem.
> Hopefully this guide will help you out for your future customers, if your feeling generous you can donate a license to me Smile emoticon
> Thanks
> From: Dan
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:33 AM
> To: Pj
> Subject: Re: Problem
> It's VB6.
> Try to start RegEdit and remove this "folder":
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\RL Vision\Dupli Find
> This is where the settings are stored.
> But if the problem lies with some ocx then the above will probably not help. Unregistering and registering the ocx/dll might help.
> // Dan
> Pj wrote:
>> Hey Dan reinstalling didn’t help the problem.
>> This happens immediately after I try to launch Flash Renamer, it doesn’t even goto the program, this error prevents the program to start.
>> I know for 100% certainty this is a visual basic problem. It has something to do with the .ocx and .dll files.
>> I tried numerous solutions online regarding this but it still didn’t help.
>> My question is was this program created with vb 5 or vb 6? Maybe that will help me narrow down the problem.
>> Thanks
>> From: Dan
>> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:05 AM
>> To: Pj
>> Subject: Re: Problem
>> Hello,
>> I would suggest trying to re-install Flash Renamer. If that does not fix the problem, then please tell me in more detail exactly when and how this happens.
>> // Dan
>> Pj wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Recently I am unable to run Flash Renamer. I get this error
>>> Is this because my trial ended? I had a few more days..
>>> I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that didn’t help.
>>> Can you help me, im really interested in this program.
>>> -pj

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