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Subject: Re: Problems with Images

Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 15:00:08 +0100


Please test the new version and tell me what you think!


// Dan

Martin wrote:
> Hello Dan
> Thank you very much and please tell me, as soon as you have finished the next release of your great app with image mirroring and jpg save options.
> Kind regards,
> Martin
> From: RL
> Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2007 19:15
> To: Martin
> Subject: Re: Problems with Images
> Well, until I get around to make the "real" version you'll have to convert the images yourself. Here is a good program that can do batch conversions: http://www.faststone.org/
> // Dan
> Martin wrote:
>> Hello Dan
>> Thank you very much, it works amazing good!!! But unfortunately we need JPG :(
>> Kind regards, Martin
>> From: RL
>> Sent: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007 18:45
>> To: Martin
>> Subject: Re: Problems with Images
>> You must put the exe in the same folder as you have previously install the program (overwrite the old exe), or else it will not find some required files.
>> Also, I forgot to tell you: You must change the settings so that jpg compressed images are saved as something else (for example png).
>> // Dan
>> Martin wrote:
>>> :( The Application says, that no images are in the document... sorry... but it does not work :(
>>> I tested it with the attached PDF.
>>> Kind regards, Martin
>>> From: RL
>>> Sent: Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007 20:43
>>> To: Martin
>>> Subject: Re: Problems with Images
>>> Hi,
>>> First let me thank you for buying my program!
>>> The problem lies in the pdf itself. My program only extracts the raw image data stored in the pdf files, and some pdf-exporters store images in weird ways.
>>> However, I thought why not make my program better and add image rotation/flipping, so that's what I will do! U fortunately I'm very busy right now with my other program, Flash Renamer, so I don't have time to make a new version of PdfWiz right now. But I did do a version for you (attached) that flips the images so that the pdf you sent me works! I hope this is good enough for you until I have more time to work on PdfWiz!
>>> // Dan
>>> Martin wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> We bought your PDF Image Extraction Wizard 2.0 today and retrieved all
>>>> images from the PDF attached to this mail.
>>>> Your tool is very great and intuitive and of course very, very easy to use.
>>>> But unfortunately, all images are mirrored vertically :(
>>>> Can you fix that as soon as possible, because we have to retrieve alot of
>>>> images from alot of PDFs :)
>>>> Thank you very much for the good work and your support.
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Martin
>>>> for carauktion.ch

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