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Subject: Re: Can Flash Renamer ...?

Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:55:52 +0200

The "editor" function is really simple: Line 1 will be the new filename for the first file in the file list. Line 2 for the second and so on. Begin with just typing a few things into the editor and look at the preview to see the new filenames. I think that you will figure our pretty quickly how it works!

// Dan

Bonnie wrote:
> Dan - Thank you so much for your quick reply. I can be sure they are in the same order so I will purchase the program and hope I can figure out how to get it to work. Is there a simple step by step explanation on how to do this???
> Thanks again, Bonnie
> From: RL
> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 7:36 AM
> To: Bonnie
> Subject: Re: Can Flash Renamer ...?
> Hi,
> The filename editor can help you if both your files and text lists have the same order. If not, then I'm afraid my program can not help you right now. This is however a known issue, and my intension is to include such a feature in future versions!
> // Dan
> Bonnie wrote:
> HI – I am looking for a program that can rename jpg or tiff files according to a text file. As I read about your Flash Renamerit seemed that it could do this through the File Name Editor - so I downloaded the trial version – but cannot get it to do anything in the File Name Editor. I thought the trial version was fully functional. I am happy to buy the program but want to be sure it actually can do the task I need it to do. So I need it to take a text file that has a persons ID number or like say social security number and match it to their jpg and change the jpg name to be their idnum.
> This is an example of the text of file I might have: (except there would be hundreds)
> 213168
> 7244.jpg
> 212231
> 7246.jpg
> 210505
> 7249.jpg
> 213261
> 7250.jpg
> 208172
> 7251.jpg
> 155981
> 7252.jpg
> 213022
> 7254.jpg
> I want a program that can rename the actual jpg file with the idnum IE: so that actual jpg file is renamed as shown below
> Renamed jpg
> IDnum
> 213168
> Jpgnum
> 7244.jpg
> 213168.jpg
> 212231
> 7246.jpg
> 212231.jpg
> 210505
> 7249.jpg
> 210505.jpg
> 213261
> 7250.jpg
> 213261.jpg
> 208172
> 7251.jpg
> 208172.jpg
> 155981
> 7252.jpg
> 155981.jpg
> 213022
> 7254.jpg
> 213022.jpg
> .
> Can your program do this and if it can are there instructions that clearly explain the steps to follow?
> Thanks for your help.
> Bonnie 541-890-4765
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