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Subject: Re: PDF Image Extractor Wizard 3.1

Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 19:46:52 +0100


There are basically two kinds of image types. One if "bitmap" and the other one is "vector". Vector is similar to fonts, and can be scaled "unlimited" (because it is basically mathematic formulas). Bitmaps are made up of small image points - pixels. Typically photos are bitmaps, and diagrams are vector.

My program can only extract bitmaps from the pdf's. That is why the diagrams are not extracted.

As for the slices, unfortunately this is something that the program that created the pdf did to the image. For some reason, some programs do like this. I don't know why. Since my program only extract the raw data, it can not understand that the images belong to each other and should be joins. I will try to fix this in the future!

// Dan

Luciano wrote:
> Dear Sir
> I'm using the PDF Image Extraction Wizard (registered) 3.1 and some times have problems
> to extract images from some PDF documents.
> The file attached "Shottky-diodo.pdf" has 2 diagrams (Figure 1 and Figure2) but
> are not extracted. The banner title "Micronotes" is extracted but with many little
> files that are slices of the image "Micronotes".
> There are some solutions ?
> What kind of "images" are the Figure 1 and 2 ? And what tool or technique
> can i use to extract them ?
> There is a way to avoid "slicing" of images like the above "Micronotes" ?
> Til now, these are the two problems i noticed during the use of the software.
> Thank You and BEst Regards
> Luciano
> *****@*****

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