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Subject: Re: Flash Rename

Date: Sun, 09 Aug 2009 18:57:20 +0200

If there is no preview it is because 1) the file is not included to be renamed or the script returned an empty string 2) the new filename is the same as the old 3) the script has crashed. If (3) you should see a message about it in the status bar at the bottom.

Try debugging the script by adding test string here and there to figure out what is happening.

// Dan

Joshua wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Hope all is well with you. If you recall you helped me with a script that allowed me to change image names based on what I provided in a spread sheet as well as maintain the image name to part number mapping that was also in the spread sheet.
> I seem to be overlooking something as I can’t get your software to preview the matching image names. I have verified that the images exist and that I’m looking in the correct directory. I looked for spaces in the file names or anything else that could possibly be a problem. I’m sure I’m overlooking something just not sure what. I had this problem in both 6.1 and 6.2. Not sure if it’s me, my csv file or Flash Renamer
> Any Ideas?
> Thanks !
> Joshua
> Data Sample saved as ImageMatch1.csv
> CurentImageName_NewImageName
> GpartNo
> LineCode
> 000009.jpg|AEM_000009.jpg
> AEM000009
> 000016.jpg|AEM_000016.jpg
> AEM000016
> From: Dan
> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 10:41 AM
> To: *****@*****
> Subject: Re: Flash Rename
> The problem appeared when you changed from comma to |. I made a quick fix for you.
> // Dan
> Josh wrote:
> Dan,
> I noticed that If my CSV file has more information than just the current (original)image name and the new image name, it will insert a coma after the new image name and display the additional information in the CSV file.
> Can you alter the List Rename.frs so it ignores anything after the New Image Name?
> This is a sample of my CSV file. Also The CSV files will all have headers but you script seems to work regardless.
> NewImageName
> OriginalImageName
> KeyDescriptor
> Price
> PartNo
> 7307_a.jpg|ARB_RD10052_A.jpg
> 7307_a.jpg
> ARB Air Locker Dana 30
> 895.99
> RD10052
> 730787a'main'.jpg|ARB_RD10053_A.jpg
> 730787a'main'.jpg
> ARB Air Locker Dana 30
> 895.99
> RD10053
> arb7307.jpg|ARB_RD10154_A.jpg
> arb7307.jpg
> ARB Air Locker Dana 30
> 895.99
> RD10154
> 730787.jpg|ARB_RD10156_A.jpg
> 730787.jpg
> ARB Air Locker Dana 30
> 895.99
> RD10156
> Thanks
> Josh
> From: Dan
> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:54 AM
> To: Joshua
> Subject: Re: Flash Rename
> I decided to try and make a script that does a "list rename". I got it working, but it still needs some work to make it more user friendly. But perhaps you find it useful? Just copy it to the scripts folder (typically C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RL Vision\Flash Renamer\Script).
> // Dan
> Joshua wrote:
> Yes. Rename files according to a list. This is a must. Please send out a notification when this feature is available. Until then I will look closer at the scripts. Sorry, got so wrapped up in wanting to design your software I’m not taking full advantage of what’s there.
> I’ll check out your examples.
> Thanks again.
> Josh
> From: Dan
> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 9:21 AM
> To: *****@*****
> Subject: Re: Flash Rename
> Actually, I have plans to add a feature that allows you to rename files according to a list with before and after filenames. But I'm not sure this is exactly what you are looking for. And I can't say when I will have time to add it.
> Did you know that it is possible to extend Flash Renamer by creating custom scripts? A script is a piece of code (vbscript or other windows scripting host language) that processes the filenames instead of the built in functions. If you know a bit of coding then it should be easy to create custom scripts. Several examples are included. Perhaps this can help you?
> // Dan
> Josh wrote:
> In my circle I was the last to find out about your software. The programmers I work with were keeping it to themselves. I’m a DB developer and use your software all the time. I work in a fast paced environment and it’s easier to prep images with your software vs. importing into a data base or use Photoshop’s limited tools.
> I’m not 100% sure I agree with your assessment of what should be considered “general features” . Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt for a minute that you don’t know your market, but from my perspective what I’m asking could be used with almost any online retailer having to manage thousands or in my case hundreds of thousands of images.
> There are thousands of manufactures in the auto industry and despite the trouble with the big three, aftermarket parts for cars is on the rise. Existing manufactures are realizing that for their product to sell online they must have multiple images for each part. Without an industry standard of how to name their images. I get stuck with the mess.
> Naming images based on the part number its mapped to is a great way to standardize your image archive so that anyone working with these images can sort filter and easily locate the images that are needed. If the data linking these images to its part number is broken, it does not require someone that has to look at the image and determine what it is and then remap to a part number.
> A programmer that has no product knowledge does not have to rely on a sales person to identify an image and then provide the part number it should be mapped to.
> I don’t want to bore you to death. I’m rambling on too much.
> Here’s what I found since I emailed you first.
> http://www.skyjuicesoftware.com/
> This software allows you import two txt files. One with the current image name and a second with the new image name. This part is clunky but the rest of the software is easy to use. A bit pricey. This guy offers a bundled package with image duplicator. About $150 US for both. (non commercial version does not work over a network)
> http://kensoft.byethost24.com/index.php
> This guys software works great for renaming and allows for the import of one file supplying the image directory/current image name as well as the new image name. Does not allow for duplicate to be created. Currently this is free and works very well.
> If you ever come out with an commercial version or a new release of you current Flash Renamerwith these additional options I would be interested in buy it.
> Josh
> From: Dan
> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 12:24 PM
> To: *****@*****
> Subject: Re: Flash Renamer
> Hi,
> Thank you for your letter. It makes me glad to hear that you like my program!
> Your two situations are not possible to solve with Flash Renamer right now. Although it would be possible to implement features like this, I feel that other, more general features come first.
> I don't know of any other solution. But for me as a programmer, easiest would be to simple create a program or a script to take care of the problem. It's not very hard to do if you don't require a fancy interface. I understand that this is not a solution for everyone though, but it's the best i can think of.
> // Dan
> Josh wrote:
> Hello, I recently discovered Flash Renamer and it works very well. Your program is by far the easiest to use and has a clean interface that makes ideal for daily use. There are two things that I wish it had that I am not finding elsewhere.
> Allow for an import of an image directory with existing image names and the new image name.
> Example:
> Manufactures supply me with excel files that list hundreds or thousands of part number and its matching image name. The image names are random and make little sense. I would like to rename the physical images to match the image name I have mapped to the part number in the excel file.
> I would import something like this into your software….C:\users\josh\images; CurrentImageName.jpg; NewImageName.jpg;PartNumber
> Your software would only look at what’s required to rename the physical image but would need to allow for the part number or anything else that allows me to maintain the part number to image map.
> The ability to duplicate a single image and name it with a sequential number allowing the user to select the number of duplicates required.
> Example:
> Many times part numbers will be assigned the same image. If I have 100 parts and only one image assigned to all 100 parts, then I can’t name the image by the part number. If the one image is not in the correct directory then all 100 parts are no longer displaying the image assigned to it.
> By duplicating the image and renaming it to a specific part number I can better manage images for the 10s of thousands of images I work with.
> If these are features your interested in implementing into your software I can provide real life examples. If not, maybe you are aware of software that does something similar to what I’m asking?
> I appreciate your time.
> Joshua

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