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Subject: Re: GUI-problems in Windows 7

Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 19:21:02 +0100

Right now I'm running Win7 in a VirtualBox environment. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to get the graphics drives to work properly, so I'm only running 800x600 in Non-Aero mode. I'm working on getting full graphics support to see if it helps. But the size of the controls have in all other Windows version only depended on the DPI settings, not the resolution. This is what I don't understand yet.

// Dan

Ole wrote:
> No, I have the default settings on both computers, which is why I thought this was rather strange. Highest possible resolution (1280x1024 desktop/OK, 1680x1050 laptop/wrong), smallest possible font size (100% on both computers).
> You say this doesn’t happen on your test machine, what resolution does that box run?
> Kind regards,
> Ole
> Bergen, Norway
> From: Dan
> Sent: 30. november 2009 19:57
> To: Ole
> Subject: Re: GUI-problems in Windows 7
> Stupid Windows forces the text in FR to resize itself, but as you can see it does not work as intended always. I will have a look at it and try to fix it for the next version.
> One question: Did you change any font settings, or is this the default settings for Win7? (On my Win7 testing machine this does not happen.)
> // Dan
> Ole wrote:
> Hi,
> Flash Renamer’s GUI on my laptop running Windows 7 x64 looks like this:
> cid:*****@*****
> Screen resolution 1680x1050, DPI 96 pixels/inch (text size 100% in Control Panel | Display).
> This was not a problem when I ran Windows XP Professional on the same computer. I’ve tested Flash Renamer on my old desktop computer, also running Windows 7 x64, but with a screen resolution of 1280x1024 and the same DPI-settings, and there it looks great.
> It looks like the fonts are too big for the controls in the GUI.
> Any ideas?
> Kind regards,
> Ole
> Bergen, Norway

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