RL Vision Knowledge Base

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Note: This is an archived discussion. Any bug, problem or suggestion mentioned here is likely to have been fixed since it was written.

Subject: Re: Flash Renamer

Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 18:20:37 +0100

I have added a new checkbox in the settings windows under "privacy settings" which I hope does what you wanted! It will be present in the next version which I hope to have out in a few weeks.

// Dan

Jsin wrote:
> Dan,
> Thought you would like to know, I just purchased Flash Renamer. I hope you consider my
> suggestions.
> Great program, and thank you.
> Jason
> Jsin wrote:
>> Dan,
>> That's awesome! Thank you. I look forward to seeing if you incorporate my suggestions and will
>> purchase the program soon.
>> Thank you.
>> Dan (RL Vision) wrote:
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> Your license key will be valid for all future version of Flash Renamer! (The same goes for all my programs.)
>>> // Dan
>>> Jsin wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I sent an email previously regarding Flash Renamer edits being deleted
>>>> after the program was closed, but I also have a question regarding a license.
>>>> If I do choose to buy Flash Renamer how long will the license key last? I guess
>>>> what I want to know is if I buy version 6.31 will the license be valid for 6.32 or
>>>> for 7.0 or will it always work no matter the version like some of the other software
>>>> I have purchased?
>>>> I hope to hear form you soon regarding the settings and license key, since it is the
>>>> only thing keeping me from purchasing the program.
>>>> Thank you again,
>>>> Jason

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